Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Nelson Mandela vs Representative Man-hee Lee, Resembling minds of Love and Forgiveness

<Nelson Mandela vs Representative Man-hee Lee, Resembling minds of Love and Forgiveness>

Last year, the news of Nelson Mandela's death brought the world in sorrow. He was a symbol of peace by working for the rights of black people and win the Nobel Peace Prize. Also, he was a wonderful leader who showed how great work people can do with extending forgiveness and reconciliation.
Across the discrimination, he fought for the harmony of black and white people and human rights. He went through hard time in his whole life for them and achieved his fame as a real practical leader.
There used to be serious discriminations in South Africa where lots of different kinds of people lived in. Black people used to be treated as slaves; they could not enter the public places of White's, and they were not allowed to get married to White's, and even got prohibited from getting in buses with them.
Although they treated the black people like that, Nelson Mandela forgave them with love when he met the political leaders who were Whites apologizing deeply what they had done to his people.
In July, 1991 he finally ceased the racial conflicts which his people had longed for for about 350 years by negotiating with the white people's government. And now he is regarded as one of the greatest peace activitists who had dedicated for peace in not only his country but also in the whole world.

Likewise, there is a person who has dedicated his entire life to make peaceful world; the representative Man-Hee Lee. He is working so hard traveling around the world, meeting important people in his 80s age. His hope is simple. That is to hand over peace to the descendants as a inheritance.
However, some people seem to dislike what he is doing. Some make up stories and gossip about him so that he is not able to make it.
In the mean time, Mr. Man-hee Lee is trying to meet people and talk about his ideas about peace. And people who meet him agree his ideas and are willing to participate in his group. He is also embracing the people who have critical thoughts about him with extending forgiveness and love.
His speech is powerful enough to get people touched. He claims that the whole nations and people need to be one in order to achieve peace; being one can make the end of wars. He is sure that we can make it.
There are the pictures attached below which show you the activities he has been doing for ceasing wars and bringing peace.

"I would like you to sign for the agreements for Peace, Restoration of Light, and End of War."

( The presidents, prime presidents, religious leaders, and those who are in high positions in their communities meet Mr. Man-Hee Lee and have discussions for making peace possible. )

Delivering the Message of World Peace in the national assembly building of South Africa.

 ( People in South Africa were so moved after listening his speech. )

Representative Man-Hee Lee has also been holding the events of Peace Walk around the world starting from South Korea with many youth organizations from abroad; this became famous and several youth groups in the world proposed to join and worked together.
It seems that the two peace advocates have in common. First, they have the strong will to make peace no matter what conditions they have. Secondly, they have the mind of love and forgiveness to embrace the people even if they did something bad to them. Lastly, like Nelson Mandela, Mr. Lee is achieving "Actual Peace" as he actually acts for it.

#These pictures below are the event of Peach Walk in Seoul, South Korea.

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