Thursday, May 1, 2014

Signed peace agreement with leader of the Inca who takes care of them.

Signed peace agreement with leader of the Inca who takes care of them.
While touring the Peru in succession of visiting Guatemala, Lee-Man-Hee representative signed a peace agreement with leader of the Inca who takes care of them and Peru Lima live news showed their attention with broadcasting his every move.
He also signed with Nationalist leaders of Roma the peace agreement while visiting Rumania.
Receive honorable mention as 'Father of world Peace'!
Representative also meets a former president of Colombia, Guatemala, Chile, and Uruguay, Jose Alberto Mujica Cordano, called "The poorest president at all of the World", lets them know the end of war, importance of the world peace, and establishes amicable relations with them. So he get received assesment that he raised a status of Korea for himself.
Peace agreement has always occurred to everywhere he visited including East Europe, Asia, Central south america etc, So a lot of countries suffering from civil war, conflict, trouble call for him to visit there countries and they call him as a 'Father of world Peace'.
Let together listen carefully to message of hope wishing the world peace!
There are about 200 race and about 5,000 languages on the world. And there are also so many religions on the earth, and each insists there claim. Almost conflict that occurred at this world may due to the religious it I think. Of course, it is because of the greed of lust for power, desire for material gain.
But how long do we see this catastrophe, every person kill each other?
I think ,To be united at one, that we should have a interest to the movement of Peace and support, advocate it. If a little interest and attention from the world gathered, there would be a peace in this world and war would not exist anymore. Because I believe that world peace begins with believing the 'messages of Hope'

1 comment:

  1. Earth is one, we have same home, we need to be united at one.
