Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The landmine which holds peace back - the civil war in Iraq

Iraq is a Muslim country. Even though their state religion is determined, why are wars always being happened in Iraq? The reason is simple. That is why it is divided into various sects inside Islam. After Muhammad who is founder of Islam died, Islam was divided into Shia Muslims who thinks that only descendants of Muhammad can be the leader of Islam and Sunni Muslims who designated Abu Bakr as the successor who is a friend of Muhammad. It seems a quite deep-rooted conflict because it has happened since Muhammad died in 632. 70% of the 1.6 billion Muslims in the world are Sunni, and the rest 30% are Shia. Countries in which its most people are Sunni are Saudi Arabia, Syria, Pakistan, Egypt and so on. And countries in which its most people are Shia are Iran and Iraq. Even though Shia Muslims are the majority in Iraq, Sunni has been holding authority. Saddam Hussein whom we are familiar with is one of Sunni. After U.S. invasion of Iraq, the Shiite majority began to seize the power, so that the conflict between Sunni and Shia has been exacerbated and it has continued until now.


With these reasons, the situation can be seen to have been in the current form of dispute through America's war on Iraq and Sykes-Pico Agreement between Britain and France. After Saddam Hussein died, it can be seemed to focus on helping the prime minister seize the power for long term as the Shiites politicians and the U.S. Army took 60 billion dollars that were intended to be used for restoration project.
ISIL (Islamic state of Iraq and the Levant), a militant group is stationed in Al-Karim, the western border town. There were 57 people killed and 120 people injured. ISIL is justifying their evil acts by quoting a passage from Koran. Iraqi civil war seems to become an internal war between the sects as the countries near Iraq are intervening. Will does another international war happen once again?
Everyone in the world wants a world of peace. We should not break the peace by causing any religious wars. I was thinking that He who gave life to the world really wanted us to continue to cause wars that have no winners and losers just making everyone victimized. If you really want peace, we should try to turn this world back into a world of peace with the one who has the answer that can achieve peace.