Monday, October 20, 2014

Rubber Duck Project

Rubber duck showed up in Seokchon lake, Seoul, South Korea on October 14th. It looks so cute, but it weighs about 1ton. Rubber dock has send peaceful and happy messages to many people in 16 countries.  Seckchon lake is the last place of Asia tour and it will be showed until November 14th.

The reason Rubber duck became the symbol of peace is followed.
In 1992, a cargo ship whish was going from Hong Kong to America almost founder owing to a heaven rainstorm. At that time container which carried rubber duck toys dropped into the North Pacific.

28,000 rubber dock toys which poured into the ocean made a toy island. Scattered rubber ducks were moved along with ocean currents. That helped oceanographers with study ocean currents, and people were happy to see these rubber ducks which looked so cute. This led “having a rubber duck follows happiness” into them, and in 2007, an extra- large rubber duck was made, and then it became the symbol of love and peace.

On October 14th there was a happening that the rubber duck was sunk until being installed. This made people pay much more attention, and it has made a headline in just a few days

Thanks to the rubber duck which has made people of not only Korea, also all over the world smile, I was happy, too. Just a rubber dock made people relaxed and pleased. Moreover, if wars stops and achieve a real peace in this earth, how happy would we be happy?
The just a rubber duck means love and peace, then efforts that we have made for peace continuously  will achieve peace that makes all people in the earth smile.

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