Friday, October 31, 2014

The Letter that Nobel Peace Prize laureates of many generations send to Obama

12 Nobel Peace Prize laureates of many generations sent a public letter to Obama, which is about “Stop using torture to terror suspect”

This letter was written by Bishop Desmond Tutu(South Africa and José Ramos Horta(the former president of East Timor), and other 10 people were with them.

In this letter, Nobel Peace Prize laureates of many generations criticized that the U.S. has justified torture to establish justice. Besides, they emphasized Obama who won the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 has to act for ending the torture completely.

Now, the U.S. is following the Bush administration's rule - The Convention against Torture only works in the U.S. So, there have been criticisms that the U.S. is confining the terror suspects at Guantanamo, Cuba, etc., other institutions beyond the U.S. borders, and torture.

Now, it was reported that the Obama administration is discussing whether they follow the Bush administration's rule - The Convention Against Torture only works in the U.S - or not.

There is sometimes a gap between reality and ideals in the world we live.
Everyone dreams peace, however, they declare war without mercy when the national interest, faith, and personal autonomy are threatened.
2,000 years ago, Jesus who came as a king of the peace gave the lesson that “To love your enemy” And he forgave them while he died on the cross.
Without somebody’s sacrifice and effort, the peace does not come.
I pray for the time when good triumph over evil, the real peace abides the whole world.


  1. "Without somebody’s sacrifice and effort, the peace does not come" so we need to try for peace. We want peace.
